
Taking things for granted

Do You ever stop to think about how easy it is to fall into the trap of believing everything we hear and know? It can seem like we are cruising through life on autopilot, not really realising that our beliefs might need a tune-up now and again.

We all do it, we all take things for granted, assuming that everything we know and hear is true. But here’s the thing, living like that, can lead to misunderstandings and conflicts, and nobody wants that, nobody.

So, here’s a little bit of wisdom to live by: Question everything, and yes, that includes yourself. It’s not about doubting everything all the time; it’s about being open to the idea that what you may know today might not be the whole picture.

When we start questioning, we invite growth and understanding. We are not then just accepting things blindly; we are actively engaging with the world. It’s like adding color to a black and white photo, suddenly, we start to notice see more beauty and depth in the world.

So, next time you encounter a belief or idea, ask yourself: Is this really true? Is it serving you? Could there be another side to the story? And most importantly, could I be wrong about this?

It’s not about tearing down your beliefs; it’s about fortifying them. When we question and challenge our ideas, we’ll find they become stronger, more resilient, and more aligned with the truth.

So, remember, Question everything, including yourself. It’s not a sign of weakness, far from it, it’s a path to wisdom and understanding. And in a world filled with misunderstandings, that’s a valuable compass to navigate life with.

Benney the coach

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